Florida Digital Forensics


Florida Digital Forensics : LCG Discovery Experts

306 Morton St.,

Digital Forensics

Digital forensics is the practice of recovering and analyzing data from digital devices, often in the context of a criminal or civil investigation. A digital forensics expert can help you recover deleted files, understand how a device was used, and determine whether data has been tampered with.

If you’re dealing with a crime that involves digital evidence, it’s important to work with a qualified computer forensic expert. In Florida, there are a number of qualified experts who can help you with your case.

LCG Global is one of the best computer forensics companies. We offer a wide range of digital forensic services, from data recovery to malware analysis. Our team has experience working on cases involving child pornography, fraud, and intellectual property theft.

The cost of digital forensics services can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the expert’s fees. Be sure to get an estimate upfront so there are no surprises. If you need digital forensics Florida services, contact us today.

Florida Computer Forensics

What is computer forensics? Computer forensics is a digital forensic science branch of evidence found in computers and digital storage media. The goal of cloud computing and digital forensics is to examine digital media in a forensically sound manner to identify, preserve, recover, analyze, and present facts and opinions about digital information.

Computer forensic examination follows similar investigative procedures as other areas of digital forensics. However, due to the unique nature of computers and digital storage media, computer forensics also has its own set of specialized tools and techniques.

A computer forensics technician or computer forensics specialist is a professional who specializes in the identification, collection, examination, and analysis of data from computers and other digital devices. Our computer and digital forensics technicians use a variety of tools and techniques to recover deleted data, extract data from password-protected devices, and identify patterns of behavior.


Mobile forensics is the branch of digital forensic science pertaining to electronic evidence found in mobile devices, such as cell phones and tablets. The goal of mobile forensic analysis is to examine these devices in a forensically sound manner with the aim of identifying, preserving, recovering, analyzing, and presenting facts and opinions about the data they contain.

IP Theft

Intellectual property theft is a type of crime that involves the unauthorized use or reproduction of someone else’s intellectual property. This includes copyrighted material, trade secrets, and patented products. Individuals or businesses can commit intellectual property theft, which can significantly impact the victim’s ability to compete in the marketplace.

Digital Forensics FAQ’s

What is digital forensics and why would I need a digital forensics company?

Digital forensics investigates and analyzes electronic devices and digital data to gather evidence, uncover security breaches, or support legal cases. You may need a digital forensics company to assist in corporate investigations, intellectual property theft cases, cybercrime incidents, or litigation support.

Tip: Identify your specific needs before approaching a digital forensics company to ensure they offer your required services.

How do I choose the right digital forensics company?
Consider factors such as experience, expertise, certifications, and reputation. Look for companies with a proven track record in handling cases similar to yours and with professionals who hold relevant certifications (e.g., Certified Computer Examiner or Certified Forensic Computer Examiner).

Tip: Check online reviews, ask for references, and consult industry peers for recommendations.

What should I expect in terms of cost and timeline for digital forensics services?
The cost of digital forensics services varies depending on factors like the complexity of the case, amount of data involved, and required resources. Timelines can also vary based on these factors and the company’s current workload. Request quotes and timelines from multiple providers to compare their offerings.

Tip: Be cautious of extremely low quotes, as they may indicate a lack of experience or quality.

Can I trust the findings of a digital forensics company in court?
The admissibility of digital forensics evidence in court depends on the company’s methodology, expertise, and adherence to legal standards. A reputable company will follow the accepted forensic principles and guidelines to ensure that their findings are reliable and defensible in court.

Tip: Look for companies with experience in providing expert witness testimony and ask about their success rate in previous legal cases.

How does a digital forensics company ensure the confidentiality and integrity of my data?
Reputable digital forensics companies follow strict procedures to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of your data. They should have secure facilities, use encryption technologies, and adhere to industry-standard chain-of-custody practices.

Tip: Ask the company about their data handling procedures and security measures to ensure they meet your requirements.


eDiscovery, also called electronic discovery, is the process of identifying, preserving, and collecting electronically stored information (ESI) for use in legal proceedings. ESI can include things like emails, text messages, social media posts, and other types of data that are stored digitally.

eDiscovery is often used in civil litigation, such as divorce cases and employment disputes. It can also be used in criminal cases, such as white-collar crime and data breaches. An electronic discovery case sometimes requires an expert witness. We can help you get one.

If you’re involved in a legal case that requires eDiscovery, it’s important to work with a qualified eDiscovery provider. Our team at LCG Global has extensive experience with eDiscovery, and we can help you navigate the process.

What is at Risk?

  • RData: Data loss is one of the biggest risks of not having a digital forensic services team in place. If data is deleted, corrupted, or otherwise lost, it can be difficult or impossible to recover. In today's digital world, reputation is everything. If your company is involved in a legal case due to data loss, the media may cover the story. This can be bad for business.
  • RTime: Time is of the essence when it comes to digital forensics investigation. The sooner you can begin the investigation, the better. Every hour that passes gives the perpetrator more time to cover their tracks.
  • RInadmissible Evidence: If evidence is not collected properly, it may not be admissible in court. This could jeopardize your case and result in a victory for the other side. This is yet another of the many risks associated with not having a digital forensics team in place. If you're involved in a legal case, don't delay in contacting a qualified provider.
  • RWhen it comes to eDiscovery, experience matters. Make sure you work with an expert who has handled cases like yours before. Inquire about their success rate and ask for references.

eDiscovery FAQ’s

What is eDiscovery and why would I need an eDiscovery company?
eDiscovery (electronic discovery) is the process of identifying, collecting, preserving, and analyzing electronically stored information (ESI) in the context of legal cases or investigations. You may need an eDiscovery company to assist with litigation support, regulatory compliance, internal investigations, or data management.

Tip: Clearly define your eDiscovery requirements before approaching a company to ensure they offer the services you need.

How do I choose the right eDiscovery company?

Consider factors such as experience, expertise, technology used, and reputation. Look for companies with a proven track record in handling cases similar to yours and professionals knowledgeable about eDiscovery best practices and legal standards.

Check online reviews, ask for references, and consult industry peers for recommendations.

What should I expect in terms of cost and timeline for eDiscovery services?

The cost of eDiscovery services depends on factors like the case’s complexity, the volume of data involved, and the required resources. Timelines can also vary based on these factors and the company’s workload. Request quotes and timelines from multiple providers to compare their offerings.

Tip: Be cautious of extremely low quotes, which may indicate a lack of experience or quality.

How does an eDiscovery company ensure the security and privacy of my data?
Reputable eDiscovery companies follow strict procedures to maintain the security and privacy of your data. They should have secure facilities, use encryption technologies, and adhere to industry-standard data handling practices.

Tip: Ask the company about their data security measures and privacy policies to ensure they meet your requirements.

How can I be sure the eDiscovery process is defensible in court?

A defensible eDiscovery process requires a company to follow industry best practices and legal standards and maintain a transparent chain of custody for the collected data. A reputable eDiscovery company will ensure its processes are transparent, consistent, and well-documented.

Tip: Look for companies with experience in providing expert witness testimony and ask about their success rate in previous legal cases.


As the world becomes more digital, the need for cybersecurity increases. Companies are collecting more data than ever before, and this data is a valuable asset. However, it’s also a potential liability if it falls into the wrong hands.

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting networks, computers, and data from unauthorized access or theft. It’s a complex and ever-changing field requiring a multi-faceted approach.

There are many different types of cybersecurity risks, and each one needs to be addressed differently. The most common risks include viruses and malware, phishing scams, and electronic data breaches. No company is immune to cybersecurity risks, but small businesses are especially vulnerable. They often don’t have the resources or expertise to adequately protect their data.

Houston Cybersecurity Consulting

Improve Corporate Cybersecurity Protocols

Developing and implementing robust security protocols is one of the best ways to improve your company’s cybersecurity. These protocols should protect your data from unauthorized access or theft.

There are many different types of security protocols, and the right mix will vary depending on your business. Some standard security measures include firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption.

It can be a complex and time-consuming process to develop and implement security protocols. That is why working with a qualified cybersecurity consultant is so important. Our team at LCG Global has all the time to help you develop and implement a comprehensive security plan.

All Cybersecurity Services

At LCG Global, we offer a full range of cybersecurity services. We can help you assess your risks, develop and implement security protocols, and respond quickly to data breaches. We also offer training and education services to help you raise awareness of cybersecurity risks.

Some of the specific services we offer include:

  • Security Assessments
  • Security Protocol Development
  • Incidence Response
  • Cybersecurity Training
  • Security Awareness Programs
  • Intrusion Detection Systems
  • Firewalls
  • Encryption
  • Data Loss Prevention

Cybersecurity FAQ’s

What is cybersecurity and why would I need a cybersecurity company?

Cybersecurity protects computer systems, networks, and data from theft, damage, or unauthorized access. You may need a cybersecurity company to help you safeguard sensitive information, maintain regulatory compliance, prevent cyberattacks, and manage potential security risks.

Tip: Identify your specific cybersecurity needs and assess your current security posture before approaching a company to ensure they offer the services you require.

How do I choose the right cybersecurity company?
Consider factors such as experience, expertise, certifications, and reputation. Look for companies with a proven track record in handling cases similar to yours and professionals who hold relevant certifications (e.g., Certified Information Systems Security Professional or Certified Ethical Hacker).

Tip: Check online reviews, ask for references, and consult industry peers for recommendations.

What should I expect in terms of cost for cybersecurity services?
The cost of cybersecurity services depends on factors like the complexity of your security needs, the size of your organization, and required resources. Request quotes from multiple providers to compare their offerings and find a solution that fits your budget.

Tip: Be cautious of extremely low quotes, as they may indicate a lack of experience or quality.

How does a cybersecurity company ensure the privacy and security of my information?

Reputable cybersecurity companies follow strict procedures to maintain the privacy and security of your information. They should have secure facilities, use encryption technologies, and adhere to industry-standard data handling practices.

Tip: Ask the company about its data security measures and privacy policies to ensure they meet your requirements.

How can I measure the effectiveness of a cybersecurity company's services?

The effectiveness of a cybersecurity company’s services can be measured by factors such as reduced risk exposure, improved security posture, and the ability to detect and respond to threats quickly. Regular security audits, vulnerability assessments, and penetration tests can also help evaluate the effectiveness of their services.

Tip: Establish clear performance metrics and expectations with the cybersecurity company to ensure they meet your needs and provide value.